Big Ideas Little Pictures

Sketchplanations in a book! I think you'll love Big Ideas Little Pictures

Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey

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Explaining the world one sketch at a time

Glacial erratic

A large boulder, transported and deposited by a glacier. This is my favourite location for glacial erratics. Bonus points if you can tell where it is.
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Clap the first talk at events

Don’t have that awkward silence when a speaker is introduced. Be brave and set the tone by clapping early. And when I say ‘people like clapping’ I mostly mean the people being clapped, but I think the clappers like it too.
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A busy street showing how the pollution varies in different locations compared to a back street which is much cleaner

Pollution is highly localized: take the back streets

Sure the big city is worse than the country. But the reality is back streets in a big city are significantly better than the busy streets in a big city, and air pollution changes massively even for small children down at the height of exhausts versus adults standing higher. So if you’re not about to move to the country you could help yourself a lot nonetheless by taking the back streets (I read this premise in Focus magazine, but can’t find an online link to reference).
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Unlike most plants, grass grows from the base it can be eaten (or cut), and keep growing back. A critical feature for surviving herds of grazing animals and lawnmowers. No wonder it’s so successful.
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Don’t fix the blame, fix the problem

A little nugget of wisdom from a book I read long ago called Technotrends by Daniel Burrus.
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