Big Ideas Little Pictures

Sketchplanations in a book! I think you'll love Big Ideas Little Pictures

Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey

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Explaining the world one sketch at a time

Omit unnecessary words

Two and a half words of wisdom from Steve Krug. Still worth reading Don’t Make Me Think.
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Use styling instead of colons

Except in a sentence. Generally, I think this is helpful. Simpler, cleaner, and still clear. If it’s not clear, or if you’re writing a book or an article, keep the colon.
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More is different

I love this quote from PW Anderson. More often seems like it should be more of the same, but more is different. It would be good if more people considered this.
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The middle floors are the best illustration: showing a tall apartment building and how the middle floors keep you distant but still connected to the world below

The middle floors are the best

My experience is that the middle floors in an apartment building are the best (except for the roof deck). On the high floors, you are disconnected from the world—people below are teeny, tiny ants as if watching on a screen. On the low levels, the world is un-shut-outable—shouts, fumes, traffic noise, and people can look you in the eye. On the middle floors, you are distant from street level but still connected—you can still make out faces and hear voices, but if you choose, you can easily block them out and not let them intrude on your environment.
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